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Part I - Neural Networks
Neural Networks Theory I
Neural Networks Theory II
Learning Theory
Computational Neurosience and Neurodynamics
Neural Networks in Process Engineering
Neural Networks in Robotics and Control
Clustering and Unsupervised Learning
Self-Organising Maps

Part II - Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary Computation I
Evolutionary Computation II
Genetic Algorithms Theory
Complex Systems and Genetic Programming
Swarm Optimization
Molecular and Quantum Computing

Part III - Adaptive and Natural Computing
BioInformatics and Computational Biology I (invited session)
BioInformatics and Computational Biology II
Adaptive Technology in AI (invited session)
Natural Computing

Part IV - Soft Computing Applications
Machine Learning and Heuristics I
Machine Learning and Heuristics II
Machine Learning and Heuristics III
Feature Selection and Kernel Methods
Computer Security

Part V - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition

Part VI - Hybrid Methods and Tools
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
High Performance and Parallel Computing Tools