Tutorial 4
MEMS enabled Microsystems: Cogent
sensing and intelligent applications
Elena Gaura is a Senior Lecturer with
the School
of Mathematical and Information Sciences, Coventry University,
specialising in MEMS based intelligent sensors, computer
Artificial Intelligence and pervasive computing. She is the leader of
the Informatics, Media and Design
(IMD) research group.
She is a member of the UK Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council College
of Peer Reviewers and a member of the Program Committee for Nano Science
and Technology Institute’s NanoTechnology Conference and Trade
Presently, her research interests pursue the issues of MEMS sensor systems
(to include microsensors-Artificial Intelligence integration, sensor
fault detection, self-diagnosis, microsensor applications to safety
critical and biomedical systems and sensor networks. The work explores
the new avenues brought about by MEMS technology to enhance the functionality
of micro measurement systems, develop new techniques for integrating
sensors, actuators and control functions and ultimately aim at designing
autonomous systems which can sense, think and react to their working
environment. Much research effort is currently focused on theoretical
and practical design
aspects for very large networks of autonomous MEMS based sensors.
Dr. Gaura graduated with a MSc in Applied Electronics
from Technical University
of Cluj, Romania, in 1991. Her research interests were in the field
of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), with a focus on ANN VLSI implementations.
She worked for Brunel University,
Uxbridge, UK and subsequently for Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. In
1998 she was offered a HEFCE PhD grant at Coventry University.
She was awarded her Ph.D. at Coventry University,
of Engineering,
in April 2000, with a thesis entitled: ‘Neural Network
Techniques for the Control and Identification of Acceleration Sensors’.
She has been invited to Chair ANNs and Intelligent Control related sections
at various conferences and is a member of the Program Committee of the
International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
(ICANNGA). She has received several IEEE, Royal Society and Royal Academy
of Engineering
grants for presenting her research work at various conferences and academic
institutions. She is the organiser of a Special Track on “Smart
MEMS and Sensor Systems” at the largest Nanotechnology American
Conference, Nanotech. She is a Journal reviewer for the Journal of NeuroComputing
(Elsevier Science), the Mechatronics Journal (Pergamon Press, Oxford,
U.K.) and IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Robert Newman is currently Head of Computer
at Coventry University.
He has managed and produced successful research proposals of a value
greater than £500 000 from the EPSRC and the European Union and
has included the support of a number of major industrial concerns. He
holds a BSc in Physics from Birmingham University
and a PhD in Computer
in the area of safety
critical systems, from Coventry University.
He has produced 50 refereed publications and has served on the programme
committee of five major international conferences and in 1991 was awarded
a patent
for the design
of an autonomous intelligent sensor, one of the earliest in this field.
The major theme of his research is pervasive computing, particularly
the system design
of distributed intelligent systems, and their application and the use
of formal methods and systems science
in their design
and specification. His research has involved major collaborations with
the European aerospace and automotive industries over a period of ten
years, and has included four major projects, three funded by the European
Union and one by the EPSRC, with industrial collaborators including
Rolls-Royce PLC, Volkswagen,
BMW, BAE Systems and EADS. He is also a member of the UK Department
of Trade and Industry Foresight Vehicle Steering Committee for Design
and Manufacturing Processes (DMAP).
To present the directions of research, development and technological
evolution for Electro Mechanical Microsystems, and in particular microsensors.
The development of MEMS devices has generally followed a bottom up methodology,
reaching now a stage where the capabilities of the devices could be
used much more effectively in systems designed from the top down to
include them. A holistic view of the requirements of MEMS based systems
and the capabilities of the microdevices must be taken if such systems
are to deliver the promise that was expected. This tutorial provides
the integrative perspective required for workers in all areas of the
field, to enable them to appreciate the system level design
issues leading to breakthrough applications, particularly in the area
of large sensor networks.
The tutorial would be of interest to:
Control/system engineers
and robotics specialists who use sensors as part of process, plant
or robot control. The tutorial will inform on the state-of-the-art
in sensing and the possibilities opened by advances in Microsystems
Specialists in Artificial
Intelligence who will find great openings for AI applications in future
cogent sensing systems. AI is likely to play an important role in
the information extraction/management and the realization of large
scale networks of sensors.
Circuit designers whose
work is in the areas of electronic interfacing of MEMS, calibration,
electronic design
for performance enhancement, robustness and reliability. The tutorial
will be of interest from the viewpoint of system partitioning and
of intelligent nodes, node design
for dedicate collaborative problem solving.
MEMS technologists/designers/developers
as they need to have an awareness of the design constrains of the
systems which will use their devices. Such concerns are likely to
influence the specification and detail design
of the microdevices and the processes used to fabricate and package
Specialists working at
system level in sensor networks. This tutorial will allow them to
understand how their specialism relates to the application and device
level specialisms. Allocations of functions at different levels in
the overall needs to be considered at this level to allow optimum
Application developers
considering use of networks of intelligent MEMS devices who will need
to understand and be able to handle the complexities of design
of such systems.
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